BAXI 7722642 PUMP KIT - UPMO - 15-60 L3 is a pump kit designed for specific heating systems. It comes with the manufacturer model number DHS2616 and falls under the brand name "Baxi." The product has received various approvals, including web approval, data management approval, and commercial approval. It does not contain substances of very high concern, hazardous products, or biocides. Additionally, the pump kit is not subject to FGas regulations.
Technical Specification:
The technical specifications for the BAXI 7722642 PUMP KIT - UPMO - 15-60 L3 are as follows:
- Supplier Part Number: 7722642
- Web Approval: Approved
- Substance of Very High Concern: No
- Import Flag: No
- Hazardous Products: No
- FGas: No
- Data Management Approval: Approved
- Commercial Approval: Approved
- Biocides: No
- Manufacturer Model No: DHS2616
- Brand Name: Baxi