The Grant Wilo Para VBS159 is a suitable replacement for the previous Wilo VBS126 pump, which was utilized in all Grant Vortex models from 20.04.15 onwards. The VBS159 serves as an upgraded version of the VBS126 and maintains compatibility with the same cable and pipe centers. Furthermore, it effectively replaces the Grant MPCBS43 Grant Wilo Pump, although a new pump cable with part number VBS126B is required when using the VBS159 to replace the MPCBS43.
Technical Specification:
- Web Approval: Approved
- Substance of Very High Concern: No
- Import Flag: No
- Hazardous Products: No
- FGas: No
- Data Management Approval: Approved
- Commercial Approval: Approved
- Biocides: No
- Range Description: Vortex
- Manufacturer Model No: VBS159
- Brand Name: Grant