CPS 20081926 NTC / Thermistor for Vokera Boilers is a temperature sensor that serves as an alternative to Supplier Part Number 20081926. It is designed to meet the necessary approvals for web, data management, and commercial usage. The product comes under the brand name "Ucp" with the manufacturer model number 2081785.
Technical Specification:
- Temperature Sensor: CPS 20081926 NTC / Thermistor
- Intended Application: Vokera Boilers
- Alternative Part Number: 20081926
- Web Approval: Approved
- Substance of Very High Concern: No
- Import Flag: No
- Hazardous Products: No
- FGas: No
- Data Management Approval: Approved
- Commercial Approval: Approved
- Biocides: No
- Manufacturer Model No: 2081785
- Brand Name: Ucp