Why Pipes Burst and How To Repair Them
Anyone with experience cooking bangers for a breakfast fry up has probably experienced that moment when the casing bursts and all that glorious fatty juice spills out and sizzles into the pan. It feels like an awful waste of that delicious flavour, right? Well, every split banger can be a lesson for you concerning your pipes as well. Just as a sausage splits because the pressure builds up too much for the casing to contain, when freezing temperatures hit, so will many pipes split open because of
30th Mar 2017
How Effective Is Underfloor Heating?
During the frigid temperatures of winter, nothing seems more important than properly working heat in your home - until the heating bill arrives and makes your heart stop. Of course you want to stay warm during the winter, there’s no denying that. Aside from avoiding hypothermia and a slow death by freezing, proper indoor heating also provides a way to stay hale and live wherever you choose whilst thumbing your nose at the United Kingdom’s cold winter climate. So, what is the most effective way o
15th Mar 2017
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Welcome to your blog! A blog is a great place to share details on your products, business and whatever else you think your shoppers might like to hear from you. You can include photos in your blog posts and even videos. For ideas and inspiration on how to structure your blog, take a look at the Bigcommerce ecommerce blog.How can I delete this post?To delete this post and add your own, login to your admin area, click the Content tab at the top of the screen and choose Blog.Powered by Bigcommerce
15th Feb 2014